Just like people, dogs get scared and anxious. It's  normal for your dog to be scared of a nail trim

Just like people, dogs get scared and anxious. It's  normal for your dog to be scared of a nail trim

Play with their feet and get your dog used to its feet being touched

Just like people, dogs get scared and anxious. It's  normal for your dog to be scared of a nail trim

Play with their feet and get your dog used to its feet being touched

Reward your dog with a treat everytime it lets you handle its feet

Just like people, dogs get scared and anxious. It's  normal for your dog to be scared of a nail trim

Play with their feet and get your dog used to its feet being touched

Reward your dog with a treat everytime it lets you handle its feet

Scissor type nail clippers are generally easier to use

Just like people, dogs get scared and anxious. It's  normal for your dog to be scared of a nail trim

Play with their feet and get your dog used to its feet being touched

Reward your dog with a treat everytime it lets you handle its feet

Scissor type nail clippers are generally easier to use

Avoid cutting into the quick (the red bundle of nerves and blood vessels) inside the  nail