A favorite memory of a family pet is above all the riches in the world. It is bound by a bond that transcends time. Sadly, most family pets like dogs, cats, rabbits and hamsters carry a lifetime too short. Many pet parents visit pet loss centers to cope with grief and discover ways to memorialize their pet. Private burials, painted portraits and cremation are some of the most popular choices. Although, for some pet parents, a far different approach is pursued. Pet cloning, preservation by stuffing and freeze-drying are some of the most unusual pet loss ideas:
The 3 most unusual pet loss ideas – voted by readers:

1. Pet Cloning:
Cloning in science fiction movies has become a new reality. For some, this is scientific advancement and for others, this is a chance to clone a beloved pet. Two biotech companies , that offer cloning services for pet parents, are ViaGen Pets and Sooam Biotech. ViaGen Pets , based out in Texas, charges a fee starting from $50,000 per cloning service. Additionally, a fee starting from $1,600 is charged as an option to preserve a pet’s genes. Meanwhile, Sooam Biotech – based out in South Korea, supposedly charges a cloning fee around $100,000 per pet. According to their website, Sooam Biotech offers a 5-month time guarantee for a cloned puppy.
In 2018, Barbra Streissand, was moved to clone her 14-year old dog – Samantha, who died in 2017. Using cells taken from Samantha’s stomach and mouth, the cloning company successfully cloned three puppies. Streissand shared her story in the New York Times entitled : “Why I cloned my dog?!” According to Streissand, each of Samantha’s clones carry different personalities. However, Streissand said that the puppies may grow up to reveal more of Samantha’s traits.

2.Taxidermy : Pet stuffing
The art of taxidermy is often seen as animals on display in game lodges and museums.
However, many grieving pet owners have begun to seek out taxidermy to memorialize a pet. Gary Robbins , featured on National Geographic, shared the benefits behind taxidermy.
“We can put the appearance of life into a lifeless body and give a replica of what you remember,” he said.
Robbins further explained that the procedure is lengthy and costly. Before beginning the procedure, the pet is refrigerated. Then the entire hide of the pet is removed in one piece. Next, the skin is covered in salt, dried for 5 days and sent to a tannery. Finally, a hardened foam is used to create a mold of the pet.
“Sometimes, the expressions are challenging to put back into the animal,” He added.
In terms of cost, a stuffed rabbit starts from about $900. Furthermore, a large dog may cost around $2500 for a taxidermy procedure.
3.Pet Freeze-drying
Sometimes the most painful part of a memory is its ethereal form. A memory may carry the affection of a bond but many pet parents yearn to hold their beloved pet again. Now with modern science, the process of freeze-drying restores a life-like appearance to a beloved pet. With this method, the entire form of the pet is preserved.

A company called Bischoff’s Pet Preservation, based out in California, offers the service of freeze-drying. Moreover, the company has preserved pets of all species for almost 100 years. According to their website, the procedure uses a combination of low temperature, pressure changes and vacuum application technology.
To begin, the pet is brought in from a frozen state. Then all traces of moisture are removed and all tissues are left unaltered. However, this is a very delicate procedure that can take between 6 to 12 months. By the end of the process, the pet retains its original shape and form. Above all, pet parents are able to experience the joy of holding their pet once more.
By Nikita King, Pet Groomer & Veterinary Technician graduate.